UPLiFT Helps Reforest Watershed in Rizal. In support of Executive Order No. 193 (Expanding the Coverage of the National Greening Program until 2028), UPLiFT conducted a tree planting activity at the watershed areas of Sitio Tablon, Barangay Cuyambay, Municipality of Tanay in the province of Rizal last October 18, 2019. More than a thousand Narra and Mahogany seedlings were planted on the site
.After suffering the devastating effects of flashfloods brought by Typhoon Ondoy in 2009, the LGU of Tanay has been actively pushing for disaster mitigation and preparedness programs, including the intensive reforestation of its watershed areas.

UPLiFT staff from the South Programs volunteered for the event. They were joined by some UPLiFT Partners from Rizal (host Program) and representatives from PAIS. This reforestation project was done in coordination with the Municipal Government of Tanay, the Municipal Environment & Natural Resources Office (MENRO) and the local Barangay Forest Rangers